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Newcastle Price List

Newcasltle price list

Sydney Price List

Please notePrices are determined by the time taken to groom the dog, knots, mats and behaviour.

*Pricing will be confirmed upon arrival.

Dog Cat Grooming PriceList


Grooming Extras - Teeth brushing

CANCELLATION FEES: Please note that we operate by appointment, if you must cancel or reschedule an appointment, please call and give us 24 hours notice, this allows us to fill the booking from our waiting list. Failure to do so may result in a cancellation fee of $25, payable at your next visit.

PICK UP TIME: The amount of time a grooming service takes depends on your pet's size and the type of service requested. Your stylist will be able to provide an estimated time of completion at check-in or over the phone.

Minor services, such as nail trimmings, take approximately 5-10 minutes and depending on salon availability. 

You will receive a notification message once we have finished the service. 

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Please read our T&Cs or call our store for other inquiries.

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